The Ruby Developer’s Guide の謝辞

というわけで、id:m_seki:20080703:1215016741 のまねをして、amazon.comエゴサーチしたら、衝撃の結果が。

I’d like to thank the Syngress staff for their support, and John Small, who encouraged me in overseeing the writing of this book. I’d like to thank Matz for creating such a wonderful language; Dave and Andy for two really great books about programming in general, and Ruby; Kentaro Goto for his tutorial that directed me three years ago to Ruby; and Hiroshi Nakamura for many valuable comments and explanations about SOAP4R. Finally, thank you to the team of Merlin.zwo for being patient with me, as well as to the whole Ruby community for letting me participate in such a great development.


-- Michael Neumann "Technical Editor’s Acknowledgements", The Ruby Developer’s Guide (2002)

ぜんぜん知らなかったよ。Hiroshi Nakamura さんも載ってたりする。

てか、かなり嬉しいものですな。さらに直前に挙げられてる Dave と Andy にも同じように謝辞をもらってるわけで(id:g5n:20070611:1181573966)。Thanks Michael!

もし本を書くことがあったら、ちゃんと謝辞を書きたいなあと思った。たとえば RoR の本なら Matz とか DHH といった作者さんにも。るりまのみなさんとかね。

Ruby Developers Guide

Ruby Developers Guide